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February 14, 2006

She'll Roll Over In Her Grave

An Indian film director wants to cast Paris Hilton as the star of a new film about Mother Teresa.

Award-winning director T Rajeevnath told IANS: "My agents in California have contacted Paris Hilton." The director said he was impressed when he heard the hotel heiress had refused to strip for Playboy magazine.

"Although there are several actresses willing to play the role of Mother Teresa, the most widely respected and loved person, the history of the actress who is finally chosen for the role would have to be analyzed thoroughly before she is chosen," he added.

The English-language film will be mostly shot in West Bengal and overseas.

Source: Ananova

Posted by Lawren at February 14, 2006 08:00 AM | Trackbacks (0)

You Said

this is a joke, right?

Says: motown at February 14, 2006 10:25 AM


Says: Rori at February 16, 2006 10:18 PM

Don't do this to yourself, and to us. Paris cannot, I repeat cannot be Mother Teresa. That would be the worst descion you would've in history.

Says: Mercedes at February 17, 2006 01:12 PM

I'm a pretty liberal person, but this is just going too far. Way too far.

Says: Sara at February 17, 2006 01:13 PM

Paris is perfectly able to play the role. You need to stop listening and believing every single rumor about her, and give her a chance. Typical people. Are you jealous of her or something? She's gorgeous. She'll do a great job. She has made mistakes, but so has everyone else; but hers have became more known because so many people are so jealous of her. She's perfect for the role, becuase anyone is. You're not born to play a part, you roll with the script. Lighten up, and stop being so hard headed.

Says: at February 17, 2006 01:32 PM

What is wrong with you? Have you gone mad or something to cast Paris? She is a inspiring figure to all of us

Says: H at February 17, 2006 01:45 PM

Are you even kidding me?? Paris Hilton is nothing more than a no talent wanna-be that came into fame because of her million dollar trust fund.

Says: The Cat at February 17, 2006 01:53 PM

Are you even kidding me?? Paris Hilton is nothing more than a no talent wanna-be that came into fame because of her million dollar trust fund.

Says: The Cat at February 17, 2006 01:53 PM

Nothing is wrong with me. But obviously you haven't read the comments above mine. It's rediculous the shit they're giving, "screams" ....why?
she can't do it? why not?
she's fully capable. I've not gone mad, just sticking up for her. She's an amazing girl, with amazing talents. It's just people have this disgusting mindset concerning her past, and you can't focus on that forever, you have to focus on her now, the progress she's made. She'll be perfect for the part!

Says: at February 17, 2006 01:54 PM

Financially smart move -no matter how lousy the movie (obvious) people will still pay to see the draw Paris!

Says: steve at February 17, 2006 01:55 PM

are you jealous miss kitty cat?!

Says: cutie at February 17, 2006 01:56 PM

Are you guys crazy!?!? Do you even know what Mother Theresa stood for?! If they cast Paris, it will be the worst decision ever.

Says: Crazy at February 17, 2006 02:21 PM

i'm a casting director and that has to be the worst casting decision i have ever is not intelligent and furthermore to call her a girl with amazing talents belittles real actresses. besides saying "hot" and being on a reality tv show hardly qualifies her to play the leading role in any movie let alone one on Mother Theresa...the whole thing is absurd

Says: chatkat at February 17, 2006 02:23 PM

Although I am a muslim and mother Teresa for me is just a great woman, but this is rediculous. Pay respect to the great Mother Teresa. You cannot ask a porn star to play her role. This is morally unacceptable to anybody

Says: Maha at February 17, 2006 02:26 PM

Yes i do think people will pay to see the show,even the people above.But as for me i really don't care if she plays the part or not.They do kinda resemble each other.We all have skeletons in our closet.Hell I'll play the part if she wont.YA KNOW

Says: carl at February 17, 2006 02:33 PM

you need to give some people some respect. she's made bad choices, but we all deserve second chances, and just because of those mistakes, doesn't mean she can't be fit for the part. she's not a pornstar, that was a silly mistake, i'm sure all of you would do it too if you were seduced enough. everyone trusts the guy they're dating. get real.

Says: at February 17, 2006 02:34 PM


Says: GBM at February 17, 2006 02:38 PM

I'f you really went digging you would find a skeleton in Mother Teresa closet.Jeaus is the only one with no skeletons in hes closet.And i don't mean any disrespect,we all are sinners in GODS eyes.Lets get real don't pass judgement on some one you don't want judgement past on you.YA KNOW

Says: carl at February 17, 2006 02:48 PM

even if she had an ounce of talent...I still don't understand how a casting director could see her play the role of Mother Teresa?!!? I don't get it.

Says: kc at February 17, 2006 03:17 PM

She probably slept with the director...yeah

Says: sunshine at February 17, 2006 03:23 PM

We are forgetting the movie she was in. "House of Wax" I didn't see it... nor did anyone else. One kid said he saw it and said that her acting skills were poor (I could have told you that from the previews) She has absolutely no talent aside from being a debutante of the red carpet. She doesn't work or act anymore but still gets on the homepage of AOL at least once a week for just being somewhere.
I have no jealousy. But mistakes or not... would you want someone who starred in her own porn to portray the most seemingly perfect person in the world.

Says: Kimdiggety at February 17, 2006 03:37 PM

Carl: Did you REALLY say they resemble one another? That was just flipping weird.

Says: Kimdiggety at February 17, 2006 03:40 PM

hey, paris IS the new most seemingly perfect person in the world. Every girl is dieing to be her, and every guy is drooling at the tiny thought of her. In the House of Wax, she didn't do a horrible job, she didn't have many lines to show any talent at all. Have hope. It all takes time; every actor and actress that are big right now, didn't get amazing in their first movie. You have to realize these kind of things. I don't know why you people care so much, I'm sure she'll fit the part just fine..directors aren't stupid people, they obviously had good reason for choosing her. She has potential, give her a fucking chance.

Says: at February 17, 2006 03:44 PM

Are you serious? She's done a porn! That's not a rumor its fact! Someone who plays Mother Theresa should not be in a porn. There are REAL actresses who would do a better job since Paris can't act either....

Says: xtine at February 17, 2006 04:27 PM

i dont think that she should accept this role bc she is no role model for anyone in this world.....i dont care if the rumors are true are just seems kinda funny that every time right before she is fixing to come out in a movie or do something really it comes out in the papers again that she is making a sex tape or whatever...i think that if mother teresa knew that they wanted paris to play her she would be rolling over in her grave...

Says: af at February 17, 2006 04:30 PM

that is somewhat like having marilyn chambers play the Virgin Mary. sorry, i agree with sunshine: she probably slept with the director.

Says: rabbit at February 17, 2006 04:31 PM

They don't look alike, talk alike, act alike, or have ANY remotely close characteristics. Does this casting director know who Paris Hilton is? Does he know who Mother Theresa is? (was).... Obviously this is a big joke....

Says: Jen at February 17, 2006 04:33 PM

The porn wasn't planned out. Rick Soloman didn't ask her if she wanted to star in a porn, he merely set up the camera, & she found out, and it went from there. How was she supposed to know he'd be so mean to do something like that? & DON'T go saying there's always some new porn, 'cause there is only ONE. I don't know why her "real life" experiences, or things she has done, or whatever, has an impact on what happens in the film. It's not like that stuff will be incorperated into it. HELLO!

Says: at February 17, 2006 05:01 PM

If anything, she should play Mary Magdalene in a movie

Says: Beth at February 17, 2006 05:09 PM

I'm all about giving people second chances in life. Hollywood, however, isn't such a forgiving place. As someone who has been in the presence of Paris Hilton on multiple occassions, I stand by the fact that this girl has repeatedly taken chance after chance after chance to prove that she is not only worthy of respect, but cares about more than just herself, and has FAILED every single time. She is extremely selfish, overrated, and every single time I have ever seen her, completely phony. She does everything with the intention of being watched, fretted over, noticed and promoted, never thinking about who she is hurting or who might be affected in the process. Shame on Hollywood for continuing to welcome her here.

Says: Hillary at February 17, 2006 05:31 PM

Hey, paris is sexy, adn seh is actually not that bad of an actress. Sure she has done some stupid things, but so has everyone else. And for the mother teresa thing, she could do the part. I mean, y not? ALL THOSE IDIOTS AGAINST HER NEED TO GIVE SOME GOOD REASONS TO WHY NOT.

Says: no one at February 17, 2006 05:36 PM

Actually, if Paris gets this role and does a good job, then that will be the final proof that Mother Teresa was a saint. Obviously there would have to be diving intervention.

Says: at February 17, 2006 05:36 PM

The blond girl needs another chance in everyones eyes. Give the white bitch a break!

Says: Kendra at February 17, 2006 05:37 PM

why couldnt seh do it?! seh is talented. like house of wax, all the guys in hte theater were drooling over her. and so wat seh likes to get laid. who dosent like sex? it isnt her fault that soem asshole filmed her! so i think she deserves teh role of a saint. And it is just a bonus if she is a total babe.

Says: me at February 17, 2006 05:41 PM

Give her a break people!! she has done some bad things, but didnt know some asshole was filming her having sex! and so wat she likes to get laid, who dosent. she could easily play a very sexy mother teresa. I mean, she kicked ass in House Of Wax. every guy or lesbian in hte theater was drooling over her! so cut the girl sme slack.

Says: at February 17, 2006 05:45 PM

she is not qualified to act. she is only even famous because of her last name. that is it. and for someone to cast her as Mother Teresa?!?! she doesnt even LOOK like Mother Teresa.

alas, but what does mine opinon matter? i do not know what goes on in the minds of casting directors.

Says: . at February 17, 2006 06:27 PM

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That's a good joke! Are you SERIOUS!!!? OMGosh NO!!!!!

Says: Squirrel at February 17, 2006 07:14 PM

Wow, starving children...that's hot. Maybe you should, like, eat a cheeseburger- didn't you see my ads? They were hot.

Mother Theresa is rolling in her grave right now.

Says: PrincessE at February 17, 2006 07:33 PM

The joke is really on Paris Hilton here folks. Just like the fella who used her in the private porn star flick, this East Indian Producer, who by the way most likely has no respect for Mother Teresa nor belief in Jesus Christ or the Christian religion, KNOWS it will cause controversy. Again she is falling for a man who intends to destroy her reputation further and make himself richer by doing it.
Ms Hilton, you are supposed to be an intelligent young lady I have heard. But you have put yourself out in the public eye in the most disturbing ways only to lead our little girls to believe that this is the way little girls are supposed to look, act and dress to get attention. You are trailing a damaging, immoral mentorship program for our female youth. (not to mention our male youth)
You will surely have to be an outstanding actress to completely portray a saint like Mother Teresa coming from your immoral fibers and lifestyle.
You would have to find a way to step into her shoes to see what it would be like to be her. I don't think so young lady. You will have to grow some morals of your own first.
And.... set some standards that are much higher than you have now...Money is NOT everything Paris. Start making the right decisions for your future NOW. How do you really want to be seen? Surely NOT the way I see you now. Have some respect and TURN THIS MOVIE OFFER DOWN FOR NOW! If you do this, and for the right reasons, I will begin to have more respect for you. Be different, be a good mentor for our youth. You might pay one day thru your own children.

Says: Concerned Mom at February 17, 2006 08:31 PM

HEY CONCERNED MOMMY, IT'S A FRIGGEN MOOVVIIIIEEEEE. NOT REAL LIFE REALITY TV TALK SHOW SHIT. IT'S ACTING. Jennifer Anniston could have been chosen; would you be flipping out over her? Probably not. There's a looottt of stuff you need to learn about the celebrity scene, most of the celebrities haven't publicly been abused as much as Paris, becuase Paris sticks out over all of them, she has every last detail any one would want in their life, so everyone is out to pick shit out about her. It's like highschool drama. The pretty girl is always getting shit from other girls because the guys are giving her all the attention, and all eyes are on her. Give her a break! She'll do fine. She's acting, not using her life story & making it Mother Theresa's.

Says: at February 17, 2006 08:38 PM

I agree. Paris is beautiful. A lot prettier than that chicks ugly wrinkles.
It'll give the movie a subtle hint of humor, and I think that'll be good. Us Americans need to get the dildos out of our asses & lighten up a bit. It's hollywood, it's all about comical films, and what not.

Says: KewTie at February 17, 2006 09:52 PM

Is there room in The Paris Hilton? I will check in!

Says: Pete at February 17, 2006 10:14 PM

This would be like having Ozzie play Jesus.

Says: at February 17, 2006 10:44 PM

she cant act, cant even do a slasher seen correctly, how is she going to play a pure woman. she neds to stick to her reality shows and her mommy and daddy's money and of course her home made porn, she seems to like to release them.

Says: at February 17, 2006 10:47 PM

If Paris Hilton takes this role, she is a hypocrite. Paris and Mother Teresa are total opposites; I'd like to see Paris do something decent for someone else for a change. Do you think she'd be able to live among the poor and give up everything, like Mother Teresa did? Do you think she'd be able to give up her cell phone, makeup, or credit card for one day? No. This has nothing to do with Paris' beauty or acting skills; if she is allowed to do this, how will people view Mother Teresa after the movie? She'll be molded into Paris' sex icon aura, and people will forget about all the benevolent acts of Mother Teresa. Paris doesn't deserve this role, and Mother Teresa especially does not deserve the insult.

Says: chels at February 17, 2006 10:58 PM

ok... we dont actually know whether or not paris will do great or horrible things in this movie. and secondly, She didn't want 2 be in porno, just look at how she tried 2 steal that tape from a guy who was selling millions of them HAHAHAHA.

Says: god complex at February 17, 2006 11:29 PM

Paris Hilton is the epitome, the very embodiment of all that is wrong with culture today. Superficial in the extreme, she is spoiled rotten on her parents' money, and she spends all of her time screwing around with people. Have you ever seen The Simple Life? Did you ever notice how she took advanage and ridiculed those people who actually put up with her? If you didn't nearly throw up the moment you read about Paris Hilton possibly being Mother Teresa, there is seriously something wrong with you. Disgusting beyond words. What's equally sickening is that this is probably a marketing ploy. The fact that someone can degrade a person as giving and undeniably enlightened as Mother Teresa makes me ashamed of the times we live in. T Rajeevnath, not only have you succeeded in marring the pristine image of Mother Teresa, but you have also succeeded in increasing my disgust with culture today. Perhaps one day you will see the error of your ways, or else be hit by a car. Either way, the world would be a better place.

Says: Undergame at February 18, 2006 12:00 AM

well. i like to say that mother terasa was a great lady . if Paris Hilton play this role it may possible it chang her heart . but to good luck to her.

Says: khurshid at February 18, 2006 01:40 AM

The way Paris was acting in The Simple Life, was merely an act. She admits it now. If she hadn't acted like that, no one would watch it. Right? If Jessica Simpson didn't say tuna was chicken, and buffalo wings were buffalo, NO ONE would've watched it. People thrive for the funny stuff, or stuff they can gossip about. So, that's what they did for The Simple Life. You have to stop being so critical, and actually look into the situation. The Simple Life was purely an act, and you've got to realize that. YOU undergame; will NEVER know the real Paris, besides what magazines, tabloids, and television protray of her. I honestly know everything about the girl, and she DOES have her morals. She wasn't asking for the sex tape. She wasn't. It happened, everyone loves to have sex; don't lie. & she didn't know it happened. & you have to notice that she isn't 40 years old. She's still young, and YOU shouldn't really care about every detail in her past if you're just going to sit here & ridicule it. GET A LIFE. Because if you had one, you wouldn't be so interested in hers, trying to bash her left and right. She's living and she's learning. Think about her ENTIRE situation before you go saying she's a terrible actress. You just have to give her time, she'll get better and better after each film.

Says: at February 18, 2006 10:16 AM

Oh, very well thought out. I especially enjoyed the personal attacks on me. Also thought it was cute how you didn't put a name in so I can't even address you in my rebuttal. Well, I'll just make up a name. How about dumbass? That seems to work. Because I mean, if you, as you say you do, know everything about Paris, you are obviously the one without the life, because you spend so much time 'enriching' your mind with the no doubt fascinating history of Paris Hilton. I mean, you tell me to stop prying in her past, yet you sit here and tell me you know everything about the girl. Here's a hint: Before you post a reply, why don't you check it over to make sure it doesn't contradict itself. Yes, no doubt she's an extremely caring person. I mean, putting on acts like she did in the Simple Life, to suck even more money away from the people who need it? Now THAT, folks, is respectable. Honestly, Dumbass, I'm happy you posted, because now I have an example of the kind of people who think Paris Hilton has the mental and spiritual capacity to play Mother Teresa. I'm sure this arguement won't affect you at all. No, you can continue to live in your little world, praising sluts like Paris Hilton and shaming beautiful people like Mother Teresa. I eagerly await your eloquent response.


Says: Undergame at February 18, 2006 01:38 PM

No. She won't. If you waste your time finding out everything about her, then you need to grow up. When has she ever done anything for anybody else? Volunteered? If you honestly think that cinemas need to waste thousands of dollars on her just so they can be part of her acting improvement, then you have a pretty poor idea of how money should be spent. If she wants to actually become an actor, she needs to learn offscreen, not on.

Says: at February 18, 2006 04:01 PM

wow paris is a total whore and its the worst idea i have ever heard of, i cant do any thing to change the movie but if it is made i sure as hell wont waste my money on cheep trash like her

Says: kenzi at February 18, 2006 11:09 PM

lmfao ... WOW '
paris hilton as mother teresa
paris as her : um like god thats hot
um yea ima go to canada thats in like europe right
shes like the dumbest person alive
get the f$$% outta here this has got to be the biggest joke ive heard in my life!!!!!

and those of you who think shes your idol or think that shes cool your IDIOTS!!!!!
and those of u saying we shouldnt care about there lives well then dont read it if your dont "care"

Says: who cares at February 20, 2006 06:33 AM

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