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April 20, 2006

I Wouldn't Pick That Fight

Ludacris is dissing Oprah Winfrey.

The rapper-turned-actor was miffed when he went on her show to promote "Crash" and got severely edited because Winfrey has a rule of not promoting rap or rappers. "She edited out a lot of my comments while keeping her own in," Ludacris told GQ.

"Of course, it's her show, but we were doing a show on racial discrimination, and she gave me a hard time as a rapper when I came on there as an actor. I don't see why people like Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle, who I am huge fans of, it's OK for them to go on 'Oprah.' They speak the same language as I do, but they do it through comedy, so I guess that's acceptable."

Source: New York Post

Posted by Lawren at April 20, 2006 07:03 AM | Trackbacks (0)

You Said

i totally think that is unfair people need to hear the real opinion it is about real racial discrimination i think everyones opinion needs to be heard. just because a rapper comes in ,hich really oprah only got him in because he was in the movie,he is no different from any other person.all i know is every ones opinion needs to be heard.

Says: hamsa at April 20, 2006 01:55 PM

I like Ludacris a lot and feel that his rap music is not only enjoyable to listen to but usually carries a pretty sharp message. Oprah Winfrey, on the other hand, is a self-aggrandizing, egocentric control freak who insists on having everything her way no matter if the content of what she's presenting has any basis in complete reality.

Says: Marcus at April 20, 2006 03:11 PM

And thats why Oprah's audience consists of more white people than black. As always we as a people must always hold each other down. She should have given Luda some shine especially since he didnt take the stereo typical "rapper" role that hollywood loves to exploit. Instead he chose to play a role of a mis-guided, mis educated youth that ultimately learns the error of his ways.

Whether you agree with raps message or not. To hold all rappers down because of some bad apples is not only bias but ignorant.

Oprah, you are exacting the same racism/ignorance on them as was put upon yourself when you first started your show. People want to blame the rappers for their music but remember who has the final say on which songs get released..... the corporate labels run by white executives.... just like her show.

Says: Corey at April 20, 2006 09:58 PM

Firstly, I believe that the whole thing for Ms Winfrey is mostly about $$$ and what she can do to stay popular across the board. I don't believe that any comment having to do with color is ever a good use of words even when the situation according to some may seem that way, the reason I say this is because, I am strongly against any use of color in our or any other language, no matter what the subject. Anytime the opportunity presents itself, I believe that everyone should avoid the validity of color as in black and white being the reason for anyones cross behavior. I believe that it is time for the teachers to teach by setting positive examples and finding better ways of stomping out this problem. You notice that Ludacris's comments were very universal in the sense that he got his point across and still remained very positive. This is why he is a very special person as far as I am concerned. He resonates positive energy and what you see is what you get. The pure potion. Please, let us all stomp out black/white comments and innuendo from our communication so that we can continue to grow as a society and get past the past. Much Love!

Says: Jill at April 20, 2006 10:39 PM

If Oprah did not want to hear his opinion she should have not invited him to the show. Remember that the reason he was on her show is to talk about the movie. The movie was about race so if they didn’t discuss race relations in America what else could they have talked about. Oprah you are still black come back home to the mother

Says: Alicia at April 21, 2006 12:51 AM

I think if someone has been kind enough to go on the show they should be able to be honest and voice their opinion . For her to edit them once they are there is rude and I don't care who you are it shouldn't have happened.

Says: emma at April 21, 2006 08:51 AM

Did anyone her Oprah's side of the story? Editing can chop up a story so that when we see the finale it is altered from what is originally taped. This is the same with movies. Not everything can go on to screening on an hour long show! I find it difficult that when blacks are making lot's of paper that they are called on it and then portrayed as racist for working with suits. I bet Oprah did not pick her audience rather they picked her. Let's face it the woman has undeniable appeal and clout. Bashing her will not end her success or prosperity. Thank God a sista has the sense to look beyond those that constantly criticize her for being talented. She can't possibly be responsible for everything and everybody's issues. She is not the spokesperson for all of black america and she should not be expected to do anything but be true to Oprah.

Says: Catherine at April 21, 2006 09:02 AM

Oprah just wants herself and her show to be considered high-class and in great taste. She doesn't want anyone to think she has ties with or hangs with gangsta-rappers.

Says: Vi at April 21, 2006 12:36 PM

Hey iam white, and I love lud..his acting and his rap...Iam 39yrs. old mom, and listen to rap with my kids..and I agree he raps good and always sends a point...So the person that made it a black and white thing is wrong...always have to go there (oprah has more of a white audience..) what does that matter we are all the same and all opions should be matter who u are..u are on the show nothing should be cut with out the person who did the interview nows about it ...she could take somthin out that makes he look like he is saying somthin he is not...Not a white or black thing at all....

Says: barb at April 21, 2006 07:05 PM

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