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« Worst SNL Actors | Main | Pink Says »
April 04, 2006
Susan Sarandon wants the U.S. presidential elections to be monitored by outside interests. The “Bull Durham” star says that the 2004 vote was so fraudulent that we need international oversight — like troubled third-world countries do.
“I believe our next election should be monitored by international entities, just like it happened in Haiti and Iraq,” Sarandon told Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, according to our translator. “The last one was an embarrassment. Everybody knew there was fraud, but nothing was done about it. In some states there were more votes than people able to vote.”
Sarandon, who recently made headlines when she expressed her disappointment with Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton — who is widely considered to be a possible presidential candidate — and isn’t terribly optimistic about other Dems. “I honestly hope that the Democratic Party finds a candidate for the presidency, but I recognize that the scenario isn’t inspiring.”
Her assessment of President Bush’s administration isn’t upbeat either. “I think we’ve never been as close to George Orwell’s ‘1984’ as before,” she said. “We live in a society where individual rights and legality are definitely threatened and that’s scary.”
--Susan: I think you're a great actress. Can it and make a movie. Warm regards, Lawren
Source: MSNBC
Posted by Lawren at April 4, 2006 06:41 AM | Trackbacks (1)
Fiddle Dee Dee linked with Like this would help
Ha,ha..."Cram it and make a movie."
Oh, you said, "Can it." That "cram it" part must of been me. ;)
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